Metal Building Types
There are many different types of building types depending on your needs. Here are just a few of the ways you can use them:

Storage Buildings
Pre fab buildings can be used to store equipment, vehicles, inventory and more. Typically have tall ceilings, wide building spans, and large roll up doors or drive-in access. Made from steel or metal framing with durable exterior materials.
Garage metal buildings often have multiple bays with roll up doors. Features such as interior lighting, compressed air lines, inspection pits allow for maintenance bays as well. Open floor plans maximize parking.
Pre-engineered canopies are cost effective options with angled steel roof framing and metal panel roofing to allow rain run off. Optionally enclosed on one to three sides.
These types of buildings can be used for equipment storage, livestock shelters, processing facilities and more. Pre-engineered with galvanized steel to withstand agriculture environments. Insulation, ventilation and utilities can be integrated as needed.
Large open metal buildings used for inventory storage or packaing, with features include tall ceilings, few columns to maximize clear spans, wide aisles, and flexibility to accommodate racking and conveyor systems.
Many metal buildings are customisable allowing you to cater to your specific style including colors, doors, windows and all manner of detailing.